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NHS Lothian

We secured this four year painting and decorating with repairs contract with NHS Lothian to provide internal redecoration to wards, offices, circulation areas, waiting rooms, reception areas, clinics, outpatients’ areas, laundry rooms, canteens, laboratories, store rooms, accommodation rooms, and areas needing small repairs/making good.

We have between 8-12 operatives on-site at any one time, all of whom are Disclosure Scotland security checked. All operatives have also completed infection control training, provided by NHS Lothian before they started on-site, and have completed full site inductions with security training.

Our Site Supervisor reports to the charge nurse of the ward/area each morning to discuss and agree which areas can be worked in and the scope of work that will be carried out. Our approach is total flexibility, appreciating the needs of the hospital and acknowledging situations can change overnight. At the end of the day, the Supervisor reports back to the charge nurse for handover of the works and agrees the next day’s activities, with a meeting arranged for the next morning to review any overnight changes that may have occurred.

A concern for NHS Lothian was the paint odour and the time it would take to dry, particularly in the wards, clinics and public areas. We discussed this issue with our paint manufacturer who were then able to provide an alternative specification and product guidance. We sourced and recommended paint products that were totally odourless and that are extremely quick drying that can be used where essential maintenance is needed but that is heavily used.

All buildings are worked in are occupied, so we ensure that health and safety is top of the agenda. Site safety inspections are completed by the Contracts Manager and H&S Manager prior to starting any new works, and again during the works, with particular focus on infection control. High standards of hygiene and cleanliness are maintained on all activities at all times.