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Queen Mary University - Student Accommodation

Project Brief
Pembroke & Bull were appointed to undertake decoration works to 750 student accommodation rooms over 9 locations in both QMUL’s Mile End and Barbican campuses.
The rooms are used by students from around the world who are studying at Queen Mary University which has a rich history dating back to the foundation of London Hospital Medical college in 1785.

Scope of Works
Painting & Decorating works started on the 14th June 2021 and comprised of decoration to all bedrooms and common parts to the following:
• Varey House
• Maynard House
• Chapman House
• Chesney House
• Selincourt Hose
• Pooley House
• Dawsons Hall
• Lodge House
• Lindop House

Key Challenges
Since the start of the pandemic social distancing has been a part of our life. This project enabled us to split the workforce over separate floors to maintain social distancing and in the event that someone did contract COVID-19 the contaminated area would be easily isolated.
Decorations were programmed in for 12 weeks with no room for extension due to the students occupying rooms. With this in mind we managed to bring the programme forward by 2 weeks, enabling QMUL staff to prepare rooms for the students.

Overall Output
The project was completed on time with no issues raised by the client or campus staff.
Both the management at Queen Mary University and the Main Contractor were satisfied with the works carried out by Pembroke & Bull, as well as our performance and quality of the end product.